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The Voice Unheard......

I was in a garden full of butterflies.

I could hear the birds chirping beyond the clouds

and soaring into the skies.

Oh! I was so flattered by the bewitching beauty of the scene,

The most exhilarating thing my eyes have ever seen.

Suddenly, I feel my hands trembling and my fingers going numb.

I look up to the sky in confusion and see the dark clouds come.

Soon I was drenched with sorrow and soaked with misery;

And before I could fight back, a deep melancholy took possession of me.

Once upon a time, I was in a garden full of butterflies

But now I dwell in darkness above the ominous clouds and beyond the black skies.

I should have known long before that there was no point in searching for light and spark. I want no more because my eyes have adjusted to the dark.

By Nisha

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