Every single person has challenges, has issues, and you can never really tell because their pain is always hidden by a smile. Mental health is as important as physical health and does not deserve to be hidden in the shadows. These challenges are faced by so many people of different ages, people belonging to the lgbtq community, people who have experienced situations that have caused so much pain and they all deserve to be heard.
Body Image
This is a sensitive topic that is closely related to eating disorders too. You look in the mirror and you’re not happy with who you see. This has nothing to do with age, or gender, but has everything to do with your thought process. Causes for questitiong your body image are usually provoked by surroundings - a mother who comments too much about a child’s weight, a model who is criticized too far by her own agency, anyone can face this. This eventually causes these issues to go hand in hand with eating disorders.
Those affected mostly develop patterns of disordered eating leading to anorexia, orthorexia, bulimia etc. They feel pressured to enhance their appearances.
Self Confidence and Motivation
Most teens suffer with self confidence and find it hard to believe in themselves especially when there is so much pressure around them and on them. Although, with proper guidance and a solid support system, they can push through easier compared to those in their late 30s or early 40s with midlife crises. Everyone struggles with this at some point in your life, you feel like you don’t know where you’re going. The best thing to do in this situation is take a step back, look at your accomplishments. Take a break to process everything you’ve done so far and what you can continue to do.
Carving your path
It’s no joke that when you begin something, there are always a hundred thoughts telling you how you won’t succeed. You need to strive hard to work through the negative thoughts. And I’m not talking about toxic positivity. You need to work on it. Talk to a friend, a family member and tell them how you’re feeling. A simple way to get rid of these thoughts is to play a game called compliments with your friends. If you’re feeling down, just text a couple of friends “Compliment?” And they’ll tell you something they like about you. It’s a great way to start a week.